
Jessica's Friday Five

Jessica's Friday Five: Spring fun, logics puzzles, and an under-used relationship strategy

Published about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

It's been a week to prioritize family. Taking care of the people most important to me comes at a cost - it means that other things like professional goals and an exciting conference I wanted to attend had to fall by the wayside. I'm remembering how lucky I am to love people that I want to stand beside during their hard moments. I'm also thinking about the thought experiment that I heard years ago - if a stranger observed your actions for this past week, what would they say your priorities are? I don't always get my actions aligned to my priorities, but this week? This week I did. I hope you had a meaningful week, too.

Let's get to your Friday Five!

  1. New - Spring Fun List and Workshop: If you're in the northern hemisphere like me and spring has just begun, I am excited to share for the first time that my Guide to Designing Your Spring Fun List is available! For under $10, you'll get an incredibly practical and resource-rich guide to how to pause and plan a spring season full of the memories that matter to you. It's packed with bonus resources too. And if you buy it now, I'll invite you to a 30-minute mini get-your-fun-list-done workshop next Thursday, March 28th at 12pm PT/3pm ET for no extra cost. Get your spring fun guide right now (it'll be delivered immediately to your inbox) and then join me next Thursday (I'll send the replay if you can't make it live!) on Zoom for a fun half hour together packed with great ideas.
  2. Most Under-Used Relationship Strategy: If you've been around my world for a while, you know that I often discuss how important appreciation is at work (and it's one of my favorite topics to lead workshops about for team retreats). So I loved this article about how important appreciation is in relationships broadly, not just at work. It's especially important in long-term relationships where it can be easy to take for granted the efforts others are making that are still worthy of a "thank you".
  3. Logic Games: As an elementary school kiddo, I had the lucky chance to be in a gifted program where one thing we got to do was play logic games. This skill set helped me as I progressed through school and especially preparing to take the LSAT in college. My friend Alana told me about Math Perplexor workbooks recently on a weekend trip because she thought my daughter would like them. Wow, was she right! These workbooks have been a hit with both of my kids at home and also when we're out and about and they want something interesting to do. There are also free versions of basic logic games for kids here too if you have a kid who might enjoy this!
  4. How Appropriate is it To Be Happy When Others Struggle? This 67-second clip from Jonathan Van Ness and Gretchen Rubin spoke to a topic that is coming up a lot in my conversations these days - how appropriate is it for us to be concerned about our own happiness when others across the globe and in our own communities are struggling so much? I really appreciated this perspective.
  5. Professional Tools: I took some time last week to update the professional tools page on my website to represent the current best tools and services I'm using in my work. From my task management tool to the new CRM I'm using and the company that's doing my professional photo to my accountant and business credit card, it's all there. Hope it's helpful for your work too!

P.S. Just a little thank you - every so often, I have a typo or broken link in an email or on social media, and every time I hear from at least one of you with a helpful and kind word giving me a heads up about it so I can fix it. It really does mean a lot when folks are kind and helpful in moments like that. Keep being the best community on the internet, OK? I appreciate y'all.

There may be affiliate links in this email which means I may receive a commission if you purchase something through a link. However, please be assured that I only recommend products I have personally used and love!

Jessica's Friday Five

by Jessica Eastman Stewart

Five practical tips every Friday for making your life more joyful and easy. A wildly popular email newsletter with thousands of readers.

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