
Jessica's Friday Five

Jessica's Friday Five: 15 ways to catch up with friends, meeting tips, and two clock tips

Published 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

In the last two weeks I've gone from a person who was a committed daily Wordle player to now someone who plays three NYT word games every day - I've added Connections (shout out to friends on a Sedona trip for stoking that new addiction!) and Strands, the game they released just this week. They are so fun. Since writing this newsletter feels like my version of a big ole' group text, I had to share with y'all.

Let's get to your Friday Five (and if you're looking for Friday Funnies, those are here and here every week).

  1. Catch Up with Friends: I loved this article about 15 ways to catch up with friends that aren't coffee or drinks. My friend Thomas and I discussed a few years back how delighted we were to run errands as a way to spend time with each other. This list is packed with unusual ideas (take your friends on the drive to that far-away Craigslist pickup! Have friends help you plant your garden! Start an article-discussion club!). My suggestion: pick just one and invite a friend to do that with you in the next week. I promise you won't regret it.
  2. Meeting/Gathering Facilitation Tips: This week in a group on Facebook someone was asking for adult facilitation strategies, and since I recently led a professional development workshop on this topic for a group of leaders, I had some ideas already gathered in one place. I put them in an easily-shareable document if you find yourself planning meetings and gatherings for others and would find these ideas helpful. Bookmark it for safe keeping and send me any other ideas you have so I can add for all of us to plan better meetings.
  3. Oracle Card Reading: My friend Kristin does oracle card readings for those of us who might call ourselves "no-bullshit spiritual seekers". I had one this week with her virtually and it was such a nice little break in a busy week to focus on myself. If this is the kind of thing you'd enjoy too, go follower her Substack or check out her free ritual videos or just book a card reading for $25-35. She's a lovely human.
  4. Pi Day: March 14th is Pi Day! I like any excuse to celebrate, so here are some ideas for you: eat pie for dessert, have pizza for lunch or dinner, bring in a pie to share with colleagues, or go for a walk and find examples of circles in nature. I used to be a middle school math teacher and we'd sing this song on that day as well as do a contest for which student could memorize the most digits (shout out to Chanita who was the best I ever saw at 115 digits (!!!) of pi memorized and recited in front of the entire 6th grade). I would genuinely love to know if you are just as big of a nerd as me and celebrate this day in a fun way - hit reply to let me know.
  5. Two Clock Tips: One of the participants (thanks, Jenny!) in Joyfully Managed Worklife shared with us this week about - it's a website that tells you the exact time and how much behind or ahead your device's clock is (my laptop is 1.9 seconds behind, I learned). Super helpful if you're trying to buy popular concert tickets the moment they go on sale, or get your Southwest Airlines boarding pass right at the 24-hour-before-your-flight mark. Second - if you're in the US, our awful terrible no good very bad time change is coming up this weekend so heads up if you've got Sunday morning plans.

P.S. So many of you are trying out Sunsama after I mentioned it last month. I'm still really liking it for planning my work days. One of you (hi, Mary!) is way ahead of me on this and told me, "I've been using it for a year now. I can't believe it (what with my ADHD) but I change up the way I use it every so often so I think that helps. It's also like an oasis of calm (even when stuffed with tasks) so I actually want to open it every morning."

There may be affiliate links in this email which means I may receive a commission if you purchase something through a link. However, please be assured that I only recommend products I have personally used and love!

Jessica's Friday Five

by Jessica Eastman Stewart

Five practical tips every Friday for making your life more joyful and easy. A wildly popular email newsletter with thousands of readers.

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