Jessica's Monthly Management Memo - May 2024

Hi Reader,

Hundreds of new folks are here since last month's issue - welcome! I share 4 practical ideas or tips each month to help you as a leader at work.

I'd love to know the biggest challenges you're facing at work these days - are there topics I could cover in future issues of this newsletter that would be valuable to you, or a question you'd like my quick thoughts on? Feel free to reply with your thoughts and it will come directly to me. Let's get to your Monthly Management Memo - as always with something bold, something new, something borrowed, and something to pursue.

Something Bold - Remove Things from Your Overfull Plate
As is often the case, I was talking with a client whose team is overwhelmed with too many priorities. We spent about 10 minutes on a quick activity that helped her figure out a few ways to tweak projects and a few projects to stop entirely. Here's a 3-min explanation of how you can do the same.

Something New - Tools for White Middle Managers
Beth Schermerhorn and Em Morrison are offering a FREE event on June 13 called 3 Tools for White Middle Managers. Here’s more about the workshop from them: Why white middle managers?!?! In our work doing racial equity-centered organizational development with organizations across the country, we see an opening for change in the practices of white middle managers who are committed to racial justice. In our work, we hear the experiences of Black staff members (that often go unshared) about the daily practices of equity, justice, and power in mission-driven organizations. If white managers were more adept at acknowledging, sharing, and ceding power appropriately, Black staff and staff of color would have better retention, promotion, and satisfaction outcomes. Join on June 13 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET // 4:00 - 5:00 pm PT to learn 3 tools to deepen your current (or future) work as a middle manager that aligns with your values and commitments to racial justice. Register here for free.

Something Borrowed - Decision Dial
I love this concept and tool from my former colleague Susan Asiyanbi. It's so helpful if you've ever felt (or caused someone to have thoughts and feelings like: "Why did you ask for my input when you had your mind made up? Why are we talking about this again if it was already decided?" It is a graphic representation of how solid a decision is (from wide open with lots of possible decisions to near-final). Check it out here, and you can even download it as a PDF directly from LinkedIn to save as a resource.

Something to Pursue - 40 Google Hacks You Wish You'd Known Already
I found this incredible resource (I honestly can't believe she gives it away for free) from Dara Sklar last year and I learned so many tips within Google Suites (Gmail, Google Docs, Chrome, Google Calendar, etc.) that I was surprised I didn't already know. If your team uses Google Workspace or if you use it for your personal life, you'll find this so helpful.

Let me know if any of this is useful for you!


Bring your team, I'll bring my A-game. I love helping team with workshops on topics of productivity, team culture, and effectiveness at work. Find out more and book a free chat to see if I can be helpful for your organization.

Jessica's Friday Five

Five practical tips every Friday for making your life more joyful and easy. A wildly popular email newsletter with thousands of readers.

Read more from Jessica's Friday Five

Hi Reader, I'm writing this about a week before you're receiving it. Why? Well, many years ago, I told my kindergartner at the time that when she turned ten years old, I'd take her on a trip - just her and me - wherever she wanted to go. That child moved into her double-digit age era last month, so per her request, she and I are on a cruise visiting Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Mexico. Here's hoping there are beautiful sunsets, good food, and no seasickness! Here's your Friday Five! Follow...

Hi Reader, I hope your July has meant at least a little bit more slowness in your life in some way. I imagine it might have also involved stress - the political environment in many parts of the world is deeply distressing. Leading through this is even more complex as you aim to support your team and yourself while things around you at times feel out of your locus of control. I hope that some part of this month's newsletter supports you. Let's get to your Monthly Management Memo - as always...

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