
Jessica's Friday Five

Jessica's Monthly Management Memo: March 2024

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader,

A common theme in conversations I've been having with workshop clients lately is the need to have really clear processes for things that their team does again and again. It can be both a key ingredient to effective delegation and a balm against the pull of staying too in-the-weeds of a project that someone else should be handling. More on that below if this sounds useful for your team!

Let's get to your Monthly Management Memo - as always with something bold, something new, something borrowed, and something to pursue.

Something Bold - Collect Letters for Your Team
I recently had the chance to help a client's team celebrate their organization's anniversary. They had a really nice team dinner with many thoughtful aspects. The team lead and myself secretly collected letters from each team members' family, external colleagues, and friends that shared why those people are proud of the team members' work and impact in the world. These handwritten notes took work to collect but were incredibly meaningful to each person on the team and surely created a deeply positive culture moment for this talented team. Could this kind of effort spark an idea for celebrating your own team, or to celebrate a milestone work anniversary for a longstanding team member?

Something New - Meeting Facilitation Ideas
If you haven't seen yet, I shared a new free resource with meeting facilitation ideas captured in one place. Whether you need to make a decision in a meeting, get input from a large group on a topic, or have everyone engage deeply with a piece of content, this resource will give you quick access to frameworks and strategies to make your meetings more effective and inclusive. Bookmark it to help with a meeting you're planning this week!

Something Borrowed - Leadership Cohort for Social Changemakers
If you're in a leadership role in a social impact role of any kind, read on: my former coach Rayne Martin (who has had an unparalleled impact on my professional journey) is talking with those who might be a fit for the next cohort of The Changemaker program. It's so worth checking out if you want to have a bigger impact and lead more effectively within your organization. You can read the story of one of the programs' alumnae, and then I highly recommend scheduling a free call with Rayne (she's lovely, I'm pretty sure the call will be the highlight of your day) to see if The Changemaker might be a good fit for you or someone on your team. One of the program's standout features is its ability to drive significant transformation in under 30 minutes per week. Say hi to Rayne from me if you talk with her!

Something to Pursue - Clear Processes for Your Team
As mentioned in the intro to this email, having clear processes (sometimes called checklists) for the various steps your team does again and again (host events, onboarding staff, recruit program participants, send email newsletters, accept donations) is a great practice for effective teams. The Checklist Manifesto is a great book on the topic, but you could also just read this article. Consider having your entire team read the article as pre-work before a meeting, then discuss how it applies to your specific work and what checklists might be most immediately valuable for the team to create and use.

Bring your team, I'll bring my A-game. I love helping team with workshops on topics of productivity, team culture, and effectiveness at work. Find out more and book a free chat to see if I can be helpful for your organization.

Jessica's Friday Five

by Jessica Eastman Stewart

Five practical tips every Friday for making your life more joyful and easy. A wildly popular email newsletter with thousands of readers.

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